Gaming community and toxic behavior

Nearly 1 in 5 U.S. gamers say toxic behavior and sexism are issues within the gaming community and nearly half of them consider themselves part of an online community

18 % of respondents said they agree with the statement “For me, gaming is all about communities” – the pandemic showed us that virtual connections can be a force for good too, and can change perceptions about things.
This shows how important is to make online spaces safer and more inclusive for their users, a toxic gaming community can almost ruin a video game by itself.
Most games include options to mute or block problem players, but these strategies mask the problem rather than prevent or resolve it.
Several companies and chat platforms encourage practices such as clear guidelines, active community management, and a zero-tolerance policy for unkind behavior.
I faced some toxic situations before that almost made me stop playing multiplayer games, but I also found a lot of kindness and a passion for playing in the gaming community, and I still hope that things will continue to get better.
What about you? Have you ever seen toxic communities in gaming or some strategy to prevent it that actually worked?